Sheffield Hallam University Delivers Innovation and Community Success


Supports advanced learning through outstanding digital IT services

谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学成立于1843年,致力于成为世界领先的应用型大学之一. The University has continually grown to support students in a variety of majors. 从设计, 艺术和教育对科学的影响, 技术, engineering and a business school; over 50,今天,000名学生正在利用这所既具有传统又具有未来前景的大学,为他们毕业后的成功和回报丰厚的职业做好准备.

Supporting the student community and its 5000名工作人员, 分布在两个校区, 谢菲尔德哈勒姆的IT部门也在其战略计划中进行前瞻性思考,以确保其技术平台能够发展并发挥最佳作用. 今天的高等教育不再局限于物理校园,这使得IT部门成为关键的组成部分, providing the network performance to support the changing education process.


  • 50000多学生
  • 5000名工作人员


  • 企业网络分析


  • 2000年11月

The University wanted to streamline its network management from a complex, expensive management solution to an all-in-one, easy to use and less costly software product. 他们的需求也需要提供传统设备管理和新技术,以保持大学的领先地位. As the University has expanded, 降低十大赌博正规老平台中断的风险也至关重要,这样学生和员工就可以期望并依赖数字环境来满足他们全天候的在线学习需求.

Fellow students using a computer in an IT room

To deliver outstanding student and staff user experiences, 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的IT组织选择了企业网络分析(ENA) -一个灵活的, all-in-one product that reduces the risk of downtime, keeps up with new technologies and lowers the cost of ownership. 除了, ENA的易用性和企业可扩展性使其成为多园区部署的理想选择.

Always-on University 十大赌博正规老平台 Powered by Proactive Monitoring
SHU网络团队不断在他们的NOC仪表板屏幕上显示ENA事件视图. 网络团队和运营团队都可以访问,这有助于对任何网络问题进行全天候管理. 主动监控被编织到ENA中,并设置为关键人员在出现问题时接收自动电子邮件通知. This helps supply fast insight for faster resolution, a must for supporting round the clock, 不间断的学生.

理查德·莱斯特, one of the network engineers at Sheffield Hallam, uses events monitoring to track new devices that are added to the network. Richard said, “I find it extremely useful for monitoring the ports on switches. It gives me visibility to see if we’ve got any outages that need to be looked at. 事实上, we’ve set up configuration rules for some problematic switches, 所以当他们残疾的时候, they automatically go straight back up. And we can tell which ones and how often they are performing erratically using ENA.“这些分析提供了准确的数据,帮助他们做出最佳决策——是否有必要拔出并更换性能不佳的开关,或者是否意味着必须进一步调整以使开关有效运行. 如果没有关键分析,决策制定过程就是一种随意的猜测,对所有IT都是有害的.

New Equipment Rollouts with Zero impact on University 十大赌博正规老平台
企业网络分析能够帮助SHU进行容量规划,以部署在新教室和实验室中的新交换机. 据莱斯特说, “Entuity在帮助我们实施这些新部署方面发挥了重要作用,最大限度地降低了性能不佳的风险. I get reports on how many licenses are in use, how the switches are performing, all of which ensure our constituents are not adversely impacted.“一旦开关启动, 进一步的调整可以对设备进行微调,以充分利用谢菲尔德哈勒姆在新资本设备上的投资.

Custom Reports support University senior management and departments
像大多数部门一样, 透明度很重要,能够根据大学内部的要求生成IT报告是必不可少的. “例如, Senior Management requires network asset lists for budgeting and asset management, and a custom ENA report can generate these details automatically for us,莱斯特说。. “我们知道数据是准确的, 报告需要几分钟才能运行,这使得报告几乎可以在他们要求时立即发送.”

Another report they use consistently is a CRC report, which illustrates where there is packet loss creating poor performance. 在ENA之前, 它需要拉长, manual effort to understand what was causing this issue and to pinpoint where it was. 今天, SHU runs a report to see where CRC errors are occurring on the network, this shows the area to address. “通常情况下,需要更换光纤电缆或将流量转移到另一个交换机. 我每周都会查看这份报告,可以在任何员工抱怨网络速度缓慢之前提前看到问题的发生.“这种类型的主动管理对于保持网络十大赌博正规老平台水平以满足终端用户在多个园区的卓越性能至关重要.

Maximizing IT staff’s productivity and increasing network analytics accuracy
网络管理的自动化有两个主要结果——它消除了it人员的任务负担和工作负载, so they can become more innovative, and it increases the accuracy of their network data. “Before ENA was in use, network topology maps were done manually. This runs the risk of inadvertent bad data or missed devices completely, plus the network is not static—it’s always changing. 现在使用ENA中的Auto-Discovery,我可以安排它每隔几个月自动运行一次. 它节省了我很多时间,我甚至抓住了在我们不知情的情况下添加到网络中的流氓交换机, which can increase the potential of derailing performance,莱斯特说。. 网络是复杂的, SHU的IT人员依靠ENA提供的分析来做出更好的决策,从而将网络性能提升到卓越水平.

解决IP流量堵塞 & understanding its impact on network services using
ENA NetFlow
ENA NetFlow功能允许Sheffield Hallam的IT团队查看网络IP流量是否堵塞, where the traffic is coming from and going to, and how much traffic is being generated. 支持当今网络的关键IP应用,如VoIP和视频会议, NetFlow’s analytics assist in understanding where performance issues lie. NetFlow analytics shape future network plans, 隔离安全问题, offers “denial of service” monitoring, and usage-based network billing. It is capable of providing information about network users and applications, peak usage times and performance data. 随着SHU扩大其网络, 他们希望广泛使用企业网络分析和ENA NetFlow,让他们对容量和可用性规划过程有更深入的了解.

Future projects on the horizon for Sheffield Hallam
“我们把所有的模拟电话都撤掉了,用VoIP十大赌博正规老平台取代了整个系统,莱斯特说。. This is a big project to integrate voice usage into the network. 在未来, IT团队希望将无线管理添加到ENA中,并从产品中获得更多价值. VoIP需要专门的指标来跟踪语音抖动和流量模式,以确保语音质量与被替换的固定电话相同. SHU还必须监控带宽,以确保有足够的容量/净空来容纳两个校园的语音通话. “ENA将继续为我们提供有价值的新技术,使谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学保持在IT技术的前沿. 我们将准备支持我们的学生和教师在他们的学术生涯在未来几年.”

Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.